Plumbed In - Underbench Units
Our Pure Dew Underbench filter units are a great solution when space is an issue.
Our filter units sit discretely under your kitchen bench with only a stylish counter-mounted tap visible. The unit has a 14 Litre storage capacity reservoir that supplies great tasting filtered water on demand.
Our Reverse Osmosis purification system is one of the most effective means of removing salts, chemical contaminants and heavy metals such as lead, from drinking water. Dissolved as well as undissolved materials are rejected by a membrane and carried away in the waste.
Our Underbench units are the perfect economic option for high use situations that eliminates the need for the purchase of bottled water.
Our Pure Dew Team can discuss this system rental options which includes complimentary cleaning, sanitising servicing every six months and a free filter and membrane replacement as required which is included in a rental contract.